Letter from Panagiotis Mihalakoglou and M.B. from Korydallos prison (Greece)

inter arma received and translated: Greetings to the comrades who attack with strength and decisiveness and sharpen the conflict of the insurrectionary war. On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 the dogs of the counter-terrorism agency rang the bell at my home, where I was with comrade M.B. Half an hour later and after I was sure …

Text about anarchist hunger and thirst striker Antonis Stamboulos by an Initiative of prisoners from A wing of Korydallos prison (Greece)

inter arma received and translated: Anarchist Antonis Staboulos has started a hunger and thirst strike because although there was a court order dictating that he should serve his pre-trial detention in Korydallos prison, he was illegally transferred to Larissa prison. This tactic used by the ministry of justice is not an isolated event. It is …

No Prison for No one! / Kein Häfn für niemand! (Austria)

Via 325: Call out for the Anti-Prison Days in Vienna- 7-9 Nov 2014 The Austrian word for jail is: Häfn, but no matter what name you give it, we are talking about the same thing here: Prison iron bars, cages, high walls, and barbed wire behind which those incarcerated are stashed away. for the ‘protection’ …

Anarchists of Mytilene: About the latest raids and arrest of Antonis Stamboulos (Greece)

On October 1st, the anarchist Antonis Stamboulos is arrested by the counter-terrorist agency accused of terrorist actions. His arrest was hyped from the media, in a furious journalistic climate, based on findings of guilt and imaginary scenarios as signed directly from the 12th floor of the police headquarters. At the same time, under coordinated counter-terrorism …

Gestures of solidarity with anarchist comrade Antonis Stamboulos (Greece)

Anarchist revolutionary Antonis Stamboulos, currently incarcerated in Larissa prison, has been on a hunger and thirst strike since October 6th 2014. He is demanding an immediate transfer to Korydallos prison in Athens. Contra Info have listed just a few of the recent actions in solidarity with him: October 11th is also a nationwide day of …

Anarchist student arrested for sedition (India)

In a ridiculously repressive move by the police in India an anarchist has been arrested for failing to show due respect to the national anthem. Salman M has been accused of sedition for allegedly “sitting and hooting” when the anthem was played at the theatre. For some anti-nationalist media that he posted on facebook he …

“Chivo” Y Mario Gonzalez al 8 día de huelga de Hambre (Mexico)

An update on the health of the comrades on hunger strike in mexico via cna mexico: A 9 días de iniciada la huelga de hambre de 4 anarquistas presos en la ciudad de México, un médico del equipo de seguimiento revisó al compañero Carlos López “Chivo”, preso en el Reclusorio Oriente. Al llegar a la …

Solidarity with the anarchists on hunger strike (Mexico)

poster text in english: Mensaje solidario a los compañeros anarquistas en huelga de hambre en México A Carlos López, Fernando Bárcenas, Mario Gonzáles y Abraham Cortés Salud compañeros! Nuevamente nos encontramos en este sendero de lucha y de vida que elegimos, donde los aromas y deseos de solidaridad se desplazan intransigentemente sobre los vientos de …

Amélie and Fallon express solidarity with the four anarchists on hunger strike (Mexico)

Via act for freedom now! et en français par non-fides: Last Friday night huge graffiti appeared on the walls of the dining room of dormitory C in San Marta prison where we are being held kidnapped. The graffiti expresses our solidarity with anarchist comrades Abraham, Fernando, Mario and Carlos, who are on indefinite hunger strike.. …