Letter from Panagiotis Mihalakoglou and M.B. from Korydallos prison (Greece)

inter arma received and translated:

Greetings to the comrades who attack with strength and decisiveness and sharpen the conflict of the insurrectionary war.

On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 the dogs of the counter-terrorism agency rang the bell at my home, where I was with comrade M.B. Half an hour later and after I was sure that there was no way of escaping or any possibility of fighting them, I opened the door and this resulted in them barging into the house.

They immediately put handcuffs on M.B. and sent him to their headquarters, while they kept me handcuffed in the house. During their search, they found weapons that belong to me and which have nothing to do with comrade M.B. Afterwards they transferred me to their headquarters as well. I was questioned for about 15 hours as they were trying to get information about the weapons and the actions of other comrades. They failed and moved me to a cell where I was unable to communicate with M.B. who was locked up in the cell next to mine. After 5 days of detention, they took us before the prosecution judge and we were led to the basement of F wing of Korydallos prison to remain in pre-trial detention.

They don’t frighten us, they enrage us.

Solidarity and strength to all unrepentant political prisoners.

Proud and unrepentant anarchists

Panagiotis Mihalakoglou
