Letter from Panagiotis Mihalakoglou and M.B. from Korydallos prison (Greece)

inter arma received and translated:

Greetings to the comrades who attack with strength and decisiveness and sharpen the conflict of the insurrectionary war.

On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 the dogs of the counter-terrorism agency rang the bell at my home, where I was with comrade M.B. Half an hour later and after I was sure that there was no way of escaping or any possibility of fighting them, I opened the door and this resulted in them barging into the house.

They immediately put handcuffs on M.B. and sent him to their headquarters, while they kept me handcuffed in the house. During their search, they found weapons that belong to me and which have nothing to do with comrade M.B. Afterwards they transferred me to their headquarters as well. I was questioned for about 15 hours as they were trying to get information about the weapons and the actions of other comrades. They failed and moved me to a cell where I was unable to communicate with M.B. who was locked up in the cell next to mine. After 5 days of detention, they took us before the prosecution judge and we were led to the basement of F wing of Korydallos prison to remain in pre-trial detention.

They don’t frighten us, they enrage us.

Solidarity and strength to all unrepentant political prisoners.

Proud and unrepentant anarchists

Panagiotis Mihalakoglou


Text about anarchist hunger and thirst striker Antonis Stamboulos by an Initiative of prisoners from A wing of Korydallos prison (Greece)

inter arma received and translated:

Anarchist Antonis Staboulos has started a hunger and thirst strike because although there was a court order dictating that he should serve his pre-trial detention in Korydallos prison, he was illegally transferred to Larissa prison. This tactic used by the ministry of justice is not an isolated event. It is part of an overall vindictive strategy against those prisoners who are considered dangerous or are accused of being members of armed organizations. It’s the first glimpse of the type C prisons and of the imposed isolation from the prisoner’s family. We stand next to Anarchist Antonis Stamboulos and we warn the ministry that the death of a prisoner caused by a hunger and thirst strike will have consequences that they cannot predict. Let everyone claim his/her responsibilities. Strength to the hunger and thirst striker Antonis Staboulos.

Initiative of prisoners from A wing of Korydallos prison

Note: Antonis Stamboulos ended his hunger and thirst strike on 11 October. He wrote a statement explaining his decision which is being translated and will circulate soon.

No Prison for No one! / Kein Häfn für niemand! (Austria)

Via 325:

Call out for the Anti-Prison Days in Vienna- 7-9 Nov 2014

The Austrian word for jail is: Häfn, but no matter what name you give it, we are talking about the same thing here: Prison iron bars, cages, high walls, and barbed wire behind which those incarcerated are stashed away. for the ‘protection’ of our society, for punishment, to deter others, as revenge, or simply because their legal status in fortress Europe isn’t strong enough. The law will find enough reasons to stick you away. In these times of democracy, the reasons are ‘humane’; the penal system is the lesser evil in these times of unrestrained capitalistic freedom, capitalism supposedly being the best system, seeing as it just cant be beat.

The belief in the myth that those of us outside the walls and cages are free became manifested in the prisons of this world. This belief is delusive, creates false hopes, because we don’t believe in freedom within an exploitative capitalistic society, nor do we believe in the possibility of a reform of the logic of commodity and its society of spectacle, and we have absolutely no hope of finding within this system a better world. Free spaces, cuddle corners, small niches away from the prying eyes of power and control exist only in our heads, as a method of lying to ourselves and not facing the facts that it is impossible to exist within this system. Continue reading “No Prison for No one! / Kein Häfn für niemand! (Austria)”

Anarchists of Mytilene: About the latest raids and arrest of Antonis Stamboulos (Greece)


On October 1st, the anarchist Antonis Stamboulos is arrested by the counter-terrorist agency accused of terrorist actions. His arrest was hyped from the media, in a furious journalistic climate, based on findings of guilt and imaginary scenarios as signed directly from the 12th floor of the police headquarters.

At the same time, under coordinated counter-terrorism investigations in Athens and Thessaloniki, five people were arrested, the two of whom were detained and driven to Korydallos prison, on charges of aggravated possession of weapons and possession of explosives. The arrested Panagiotis Michalakoglou claimed responsibility for the weapons found in his house, while M.B. has nothing to do with the case.

Antonis Stamboulos, from the first time of his arrest, refused to have any kind of communication with the cops, giving a struggle of dignity continuing till today, since he is on a hunger and thirst strike in Larissa prison from October 6th [Antonis ended the thirst strike October 11th, and issued a new letter explaining his position], demanding his transfer to Korydallos prison, so as he can be close to his familiars. Continue reading “Anarchists of Mytilene: About the latest raids and arrest of Antonis Stamboulos (Greece)”

Gestures of solidarity with anarchist comrade Antonis Stamboulos (Greece)

Anarchist revolutionary Antonis Stamboulos, currently incarcerated in Larissa prison, has been on a hunger and thirst strike since October 6th 2014. He is demanding an immediate transfer to Korydallos prison in Athens. Contra Info have listed just a few of the recent actions in solidarity with him:

October 11th is also a nationwide day of action in solidarity with the comrade.

Strength to our comrades in struggle everywhere!

Anarchist student arrested for sedition (India)

In a ridiculously repressive move by the police in India an anarchist has been arrested for failing to show due respect to the national anthem. Salman M has been accused of sedition for allegedly “sitting and hooting” when the anthem was played at the theatre.

For some anti-nationalist media that he posted on facebook he was also charged under Section 124A, Section 66A of the Information Technology Act and Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971.

Solidarity with Salman M!

Against the prison society!

mainstream media links:



“Chivo” Y Mario Gonzalez al 8 día de huelga de Hambre (Mexico)

An update on the health of the comrades on hunger strike in mexico via cna mexico:

A 9 días de iniciada la huelga de hambre de 4 anarquistas presos en la ciudad de México, un médico del equipo de seguimiento revisó al compañero Carlos López “Chivo”, preso en el Reclusorio Oriente. Al llegar a la puerta del penal, los custodios que resguardaban el acceso dijeron no tener orden de dejar pasar, pero debido a la insistencia de los solidarios que acompañaban al equipo, este logro entrar. Después de permanecer casi dos horas con Carlos, esto es lo que nos comentan:


Mario González no ha sido revisado aún por médicos del equipo de seguimiento, sin embargo sus familares informan que sus síntomas son dolor abdominal,mareos, debilidad e irritabilidad. Ha bajado aproximadamente 5 kilos. Sus signos vitales se mantienen estables.Sigue el acoso y amedrantamiento por parte de custodios.

Solidarity with the anarchists on hunger strike (Mexico)

poster text in english:

Mensaje solidario a los compañeros anarquistas en huelga de hambre en México

A Carlos López, Fernando Bárcenas, Mario Gonzáles y Abraham Cortés

Salud compañeros! Nuevamente nos encontramos en este sendero de lucha y de vida que elegimos, donde los aromas y deseos de solidaridad se desplazan intransigentemente sobre los vientos de libertad que se extiende hasta los escondrijos más oscuros de esta pútrida civilización.

Acompañamos atentos la decisión de huelga de hambre que iniciaron desde el 1 de octubre, entendemos este acto –como bien lo afirman- no como un intento de victimización sino como una respuesta consecuente de la lucha. Sin duda alguna los pasos que están dando sientan un avance en la solidaridad anárquica y la lucha anti carcelaria desde dentro de las mazmorras del Poder.

Si como lo dicen, no hay intención alguna de ganar algún beneficio frente a los carcelerxs, lo que se va a ganar es nada más ni nada menos que dignidad y experiencia, es la unidad entre lxs rebeldes enjauladxs y la difusión del pensamiento y acto refractario de la firmeza de nuestras convicciones anti-autoritarias, es hacer que las viseras sientan el hambre de la lucha para ir no por un bocadillo de lo que los reformistas y agachados piensan que es la libertad, sino que de una vez por todas nuestras mandíbulas devoren con fuerza este podrido mundo encarcelado para saciar nuestros hambrientos seres de Anarquía, Amor y Libertad. Este es el benefico.

¡Animo compañerxs!
¡Presxs en guerra a la calle!
¡Solidaridad con Amellie y Fallon!
¡Solidaridad con Alejandro López ante las amenazas de muerte y lxs represaliadxs del 2 de Octubre en Oaxaca!
¡Solidaridad con Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa y de mas compañerxs anarquistas apresadxs en Grecia, Italia, Rusia, Chile, Estados Unidos y el resto del planeta!
Frente al avance represivo ¡Inteligencia!

Publicación Destruye las Prisiones
México 8 de Octubre 2014

A su vez mandamos este afiche para la difusión del caso de los compañeros en huelga de hambre. Parte de la intención además de difundir su caso es que quien quiera lo imprima y sirva como bono solidario para la huelga para recolectar dinero o medicamentos para los compañeros.

* Comrade Alejandro Lopez is a professor from Oaxaca, who recently received a death threat because of his beliefs. Continue reading “Solidarity with the anarchists on hunger strike (Mexico)”

Amélie and Fallon express solidarity with the four anarchists on hunger strike (Mexico)

Via act for freedom now! et en français par non-fides:

Last Friday night huge graffiti appeared on the walls of the dining room of dormitory C in San Marta prison where we are being held kidnapped. The graffiti expresses our solidarity with anarchist comrades Abraham, Fernando, Mario and Carlos, who are on indefinite hunger strike.. Our fellow prisoners haven’t stopped commenting on the extremely visible composition since that day.

It’s a change from the “I love you” usually painted in the prison corridors! It has a confrontational aspect, making a break with daily passivity.

The objective was reached! It is a way to start discussion and create spaces for reflection inside the prison. This is one of the ways we have here inside to tackle social peace and pacification. From our perspective, there are many ways to fight back and take a position of rejecting authority.

The intention is not to claim anyone’s innocence, but to generate contexts of conflict and a break with the established order. Moreover, we are aware of the fact that the initiative of the comrades on hunger strike was hyped in the context of 2 October in the mass media, but we know that that was not the comrades’ intention, because we refuse to use the networks of the mass media, even less to talk about innocence.

In solidarity with the compas in hunger strike!

Neither guilty nor innocent

Women’s prison in Santa Marta

Continue reading “Amélie and Fallon express solidarity with the four anarchists on hunger strike (Mexico)”