PDF: Since the Bristol Riots– Communiques from the FAI, ELF and other attacks 2011-2014 (UK)

via personsunknown.noblogs.org PDF Link: http://personsunknown.noblogs.org/files/2014/11/Since-the-Bristol-riots.pdf by Person(s) Unknown / Dark Matter Publications “Since the Bristol Riots” is a collection of communiques from the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), Earth Liberation Front (ELF), and other anonymous attacks in the Bristol area since the riots in April 2011 until October 2014. The communiques include attacks targeted against police, …

“Luddites” conduct solidarity sabotages in southeast Quebec / Des “Luddites” font des sabotages solidaires dans le sud du Québec (Canada)

via antidev: ‘We retransmit this message sent to us from visitors… On retransmet ce message qui nous a été envoyé par des lecteurs-rices…’ So the other night on September 21, we’ve set fire to a railroad telecomm cable linking Brigham to Sherbrooke (Qc) to the US, thinking about the Algonquins people recently evicted from a …

After Prison Zine: Words from Former Earth & Animal Liberation Front Activists (USA)

20 pages B&W: After Prison Zine The ‘After Prison’ zine is a project which aims to share stories of life after prison from former earth & animal liberation prisoners in the hope that people will develop a more thorough understanding of what former prisoners face on the outside. This project is also for those former …