Construction machine sabotaged in solidarity with anarchist prisoners by ‘FAI/IRF Furious Hookers Militia’ (Istanbul, Turkey)

A night in Bagcılar… we were at the foot of the Beast

Even though, the deepest darkness of the night is thought to hide all of this system’s infamies, it also becomes accomplice to some furious hookers who want to destroy this shit before the dawn. Although street lights, shop lights, surveillance cameras and MOBESEs sure- the eyes and ears of the State- prowl to betray us by giving a feeling like we’re under the surveillance of a rapist, this can not prevent us from transforming our rage against this rotten system to action by coalescing with shadows which remain for us from the night.

Here in one of the nights again, in Istanbul/Bagcilar, we attacked a yellow beast, which only has a task to dig concrete disintergrating the land, which takes an active role in the clear-cut of forests and in the urbanization of the last places remaining without concrete, by cutting the blood stream and defusing the connection between its organs.

We took this action in order to contribute to the “Anarchist Prisoners Global Week of Solidarity (23-30 August)”. First, we dedicate this action to anarchist comrade Tamara Sol Farías Vergara who is now in prison under charge of shooting and wounding a security guard of a bank, then Nikos Maziotis, who is now in prison after being arrested in an armed conflict, claiming the tradition of never surrendering, and to his partner Panagiota Roupa who is on the run now. Also we dedicate this action to all anarchist and anti-authoritarian prisoners around the world who are fighting against the institutions of domination.

“We were awake last night, with the dawn somethings were going wrong somewhere.”

FAI/IRF Furious Hookers Militia

A few words related to the call for a week of actions in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Greece)

via contra-info

Every society you build will have its fringes, and on the fringes of every society, heroic and restless vagabonds will wander, with their wild and virgin thoughts, only able to live by preparing ever new and terrible outbreaks of rebellion!
Renzo Novatore

We are writing this text to all anarchists and rebels, in and out of prison walls throughout the world, in response to the international call for a week of actions for anarchist prisoners (August 23–30). A coordination of actions through calls of this type is needed, all the more so at the international level, urging individualities and collectives to act as they can and feel, and to express and diffuse the anarchist struggle for liberation. However, we should not depend on only these calls to get our voices heard and our actions shown. So, taking for granted that we are at a raging war, and having chosen this side, we are confronted with an enemy who has every means to beat us in our every step of attack.

Armies, cops, control technology with cameras, advanced surveillance, storage of DNA samples and fingerprint profiles, the media, and so many other institutions and mentalities constitute domination that we are hostile to. In this war, the only certain thing is that we will have prisoners, or even victims, and that’s where the verification of the battle itself lies. Continue reading “A few words related to the call for a week of actions in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Greece)”

Week of global solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Serbia) / Nedelja globalne solidarnosti sa anarhističkim zatvorenicima (Beograd)

via contra-info:

As an act of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, an informal group of anarchists dropped a banner which read: “Against the system of domination and subordination. Against prisons and the society that imprisons.”

The banner was dropped from an overpass at the highway under which prisoners are frequently transported, which is located near the Central Prison in Belgrade. Continue reading “Week of global solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Serbia) / Nedelja globalne solidarnosti sa anarhističkim zatvorenicima (Beograd)”

Incendiary attack by ‘FAI “Sacco & Vanzetti” Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed’ (Bristol, UK)

via 325:

In response to the NATO summit in Newport and in solidarity with insurrectionist anarchist prisoners worldwide, a cell of the Federazione Anarchica Informale (FAI) has struck BAE Systems in Filton, Bristol:

We mounted our attack against the BAE Systems arms factory in the Filton area of Bristol by setting a fire against the fuel tank outside the onsite Advanced Technology Centre (Impact Facility – High Power Electro Magnetic Facility section) on August 29th. Today we now announce carrying this out in the context of the NATO summit in Newport in five days. Britain is rife with military industrial complex structures all year round and everyone can draw her or his own conclusion. Continue reading “Incendiary attack by ‘FAI “Sacco & Vanzetti” Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed’ (Bristol, UK)”

Security service starts to empty Domokos prison in order to turn it into a Guantanamo (Greece)

via actforfree:

As of last Monday 25/8/14, the security service started to empty Domokos prison, in order for it to be transformed into a ‘C’ type hellhole, according to the fascist law 4274/2014. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday they transferred about 100 prisoners to other prisons around the country!

As soon as we got the information that the emptying procedure started in Domokos we found the decision of the Ministry of Justice dated August 1st 2014, which orders the “transformation of Domokos Correctional Facility from type B to type C prison”.

This procedure is suppose to be completed within two months after the fascist law is published.

According to safe sources, the whole procedure of evacuating Domokos prison and transferring all prisoners intended for type C prisons (first in line are the prisoners sentenced for armed revolutionary action), is supposed to be done by the end of September. This fascist law says that the prisoners will be transferred to C type prisons within 10 days from the publication of the internal law. It is not a coincidence that they are emptying Domokos in such a fast pace (30 to 40 prisoners a day).



Phoenix Project: Demolishing the Walls That Keep Us Apart – Introducing a new series of pamphlets (Greece)

In a few days we will release (in Greek) the first of a series of pamphlets, which includes the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas transcribed statements, from events and interviews that have taken place over the last five years.

The first pamphlet is on the “Phoenix” Project and includes transcriptions of the four events held nationwide in solidarity with the persecuted comrades for the actions of the Project which have taken place in Greece:

1. Event held by the Anarchist Squat Nadir – Thessaloniki, 7/12/2013 / Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas statements.

2. Event held by the Convention in Solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and comrades from the New Anarchy Stream – Athens, 13/12/2013 / Andreas Tsavdaridis, Spyros Mandylas and Christos Tsakalos statements.

3. Event held by the Anarchist Squat Utopia A.D. – Komotini, 14-15/12/2013 / Olga Economidou statement.

4. Event held by the Chaotic Disaster Teams – Patra, 15/12/2013 / Spyros Mandylas and Christos Tsakalos statements.

Having as an ultimate aim the dissemination of our imprisoned comrades speech to as many anarchist comrades in Greece and the rest of the world as possible, we would like to inform that this material is available to everyone for translation in any language, a procedure in which we will contribute ourselves, in collaboration with any comrade who wishes for it, in the context of partnership with individuals and groups/collectives with which we are politically associated.

Circle of Individualist Anarchists

Athens, 2014

Contact: entropy_ch [at] riseup [dot] net

P.S. The pamphlets will be available only in electronic form at the moment.
(The translation of the pamphlet in English is in progress.)

In response to the international call for anarchist prisoners of the world (Chile)

via contra-info:

In the defined night
the routine’s twilight
infinite particles conspire in the dissocial shadow.
In the spectra of nothing
desires are moaned
rage is howled
the forgotten are shouted
the lost echoes are roaring.

In the disrepair of one power citadel
frantic machines, swarm of slaves,
makeup powders and devices of control.
The rebellious schizos, barbarian!
We deny the everyday existence: Prisons,
schools, families, madhouses, asylums, psychiatrists
and every individual nullification.

We open the wings to come out of crevices and caves,
to bifurcate the fire in every alley,
security perimeter and place of domination.

May it be known that we overflow in all directions,
towards all the points.
We are infinite particles looking for the explosion.

A small contribution from the territory called Chile, Talca of Maule region.

Affinity group dogs, cats and frogs

The action took place on Wednesday, August 27th; a roadblock in one of the city’s arteries, at eight in the evening.

* José Huenante is a 16-year-old Mapuche, who ‘disappeared’ while being held in police custody in Puerto Montt in southern Chile.

Greek embassy spray-painted in solidarity with imprisoned comrade Nikos Maziotis (Brussels)

via contra-info:

In the night from Thursday to Friday (August 29th, 2014), as part of the International Week of Solidarity with anarchist prisoners, we painted FREEDOM FOR NIKOS MAZIOTIS on the embassy of Greece in Brussels.

Nikos Maziotis is an anarchist prisoner, member of the urban guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle. Imprisoned several times, he was arrested on July 16th in Athens.


Solidarity with the SOCPA7 (UK)

Help us to support 7 protesters who are facing up to 5 years in prison for fighting animal testing.

Protests against Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory have led to charges of criminal conspiracy under laws created specifically to criminalise animal rights campaigning.

To find out more about the defendants and the ongoing State repression of anti-vivisection campaigners, visit the support site:

— What you can do —

Fundraising: Donations will help with the costs of travelling to legal meetings and attending court during the 6-8 week trial starting in September. It will also help us to ensure people can be there to support the defendants throughout the trial. Helping with these financial costs will take some of the stress and pressure away from the defendants and let them know that they’re not alone. Continue reading “Solidarity with the SOCPA7 (UK)”

Correspondence address for anarchist prisoner Nikos Maziotis (Greece)

Via contra-info:

Here is the new address for comrade Nikos Maziotis:

Sending books to inmates is banned in Diavata prison, where Nikos Maziotis is currently incarcerated. So the comrade can only receive letters (at best some news reports too). It is obligatory to indicate a sender address, otherwise letters are not delivered.

To write to the comrade:

Nikos Maziotis
Geniko Katastima Kratisis Thessalonikis
57008 Diavata,