Dark Nights #41 : ‘Against all States – Against all Gods’ – Sept 2014

24 pages B&W : Dark Nights #41 International anti-prisons insurrectional newsletter Dark Nights is back after a summer break. Front page news is the communique by ‘FAI “Sacco & Vanzetti” Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed’ for the incendiary attack prior to the NATO summit in Wales against BAE Systems Arms Development Centre. …

Phoenix Project: Demolishing the Walls That Keep Us Apart – Introducing a new series of pamphlets (Greece)

In a few days we will release (in Greek) the first of a series of pamphlets, which includes the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas transcribed statements, from events and interviews that have taken place over the last five years. The first pamphlet is on the “Phoenix” Project …