Communique of the Prisoners of the Women’s Wing, Korydallos Prison (Greece)

via 325:

On January 16th, 2015, an invasion of the EKAM group [anti-terrorist unit] took place in the men’s prison of Korydallos, keeping the whole prison closed from midday till the next morning, blocking the prisoners’ right to have yard time and general activities. Not long ago, on December 12th and on New Year’s Eve, prisoners’ transfers were ordered to Domokos prison, so that the C’ Type prisons are put into action. This is the modern Guantanamo bay. In the very next days, new transfers took place, and specifically there was the transfer of the two members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire to the white cells of Korydallos’ women prison.

In this electoral game played against prisoners, women prisoners have turned for a long time now into sacks of potatoes squeezed and crowded together in a warehouse of souls, without anyone giving a shit. While the women’s prison has three wings with 150 people capacity in each, right now 120 women have been crammed into the floor of one single wing, as the other rooms were given over for other uses or are empty.

We’re not going to analyze the data further, but not so long ago we made demonstrations denouncing all the problems we are experiencing today and the promises given by the representatives of the Ministry before our eyes, which were never put in place. Since we’re not going to stand for living like animals anymore, and, of course, no animal deserves to live like we do; since the C’ Type prisons today deal with the male prisoners, but tomorrow another one will be built for us; and, lastly, since we’re not going to put up with political games being played on our backs, as from today January 18th, 2015, to January 21st, 2015, we refuse to go back to our cells during the midday lockdown, as an act of solidarity with the demands of the male prisoners in Korydallos prison.


Translated by VbD